DIY Mindset Bioscan

A digital look into your mindset. See your mindset report to correct limiting beliefs, mental diet and overall mindset to manifest. 

  • Author: Nikki
  • Level: Any
  • Study time: 1 Hour
  • Video time: 30 min
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    What's included?

    • 3 Videos
    • 4 E-Books
    • Walk through
    • Mindset Scan

    What is the Mindset Scan

    A bioscan is a powerful tool to support manifesting by providing insight into the physical, emotional, and overall mindset data that might be causing limiting beliefs or supporting a poor mental diet. Manifestation is not just a spiritual process—it also involves being aligned in a correct mindset and state of emotional balance. We will work together to remove your limits, improve your mental diet and help you create new assumptions and beliefs to manifest. 


    A DIY bioscan refers to a do-it-yourself approach to bioscanning, where individuals use hour software on their own. The software scans the body's frequencies / biological signals. These DIY bioscan tools are designed for personal use, allowing people to assess their wellness without needing to visit a professional clinic or book a consult. 

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